You may refer to our this page for the latest promotions. (Click Here)
Do I need to pay for a test drive?
No. You do not have to pay for a test drive.Do get in touch with our friendly Sales Consultant for test drive arrangements.(Click Here)
How long after booking my vehicle will I receive the new vehicle?
The lead time required to receive your new vehicle may defer based on availability. Once your loan has been approved, we will do our best to ensure you receive your vehicle in the shortest possible time.
Are all models shown here available in the showrooms?
All models are available for order. The models available to view at our dealerships and showrooms may differ from month-to-month. It’s advisable for you to speak to our friendly Sales Consultant on the waiting period. (Click Here)
Are all models is available for test drive?
Yes. All models test drive unit is available. It’s advisable for you to speak to our friendly Sales Consultant on the test drive appointment. (Book a Test Drive)
How can I identify that the person who called me is a Genuine Sales Consultant from Honda?
Our Sales Consultant will Whatsapp or email you his / her Business Card to confirm he / she is a Genuine Sales Consultant from Honda.
How do I pay the booking fee and is the booking fee refundable later?
Our Sales Consultant will provide you with our dealer bank account number for payment of booking fee. Upon confirmation of your payment, our sales representative shall provide you with the transaction Official Receipt. The booking fee is refundable. You may consult our Sales Consultant for more details.
How can I confirm my payment has been successfully received by Honda Dealer? Any official receipt issued for online transaction?
Yes, upon confirmation of your payment, our Sales Consultant will Whatsapp / email you the Official Receipt.
Whats the interest rate on my car loan?
The interest rate for your vehicle loan differs based on the banks you apply to (Fix or Variable Rate). You can speak to the various banks about their interest rates or speak to our friendly sales advisors for more information on the current market rates. (Click Here)
How do I submit documents / apply for the loan? Can I know more on the monthly installment?
Upon your submission of the online form through our website, our Sales Consultant will be in contact with you for further discussion on this matter. (Free Loan Submission)
If I want to trade in my existing car, does it have to be a Honda car? How if I don't plan to buy a new car for the time being, is that acceptable?
We accept Trade In from any brands, sell us your old car Fast and Hassle Free. You can also sell your old car to us without buying a new one. (Click Here)